举臂手术 俄亥俄州哥伦布市

达到健美的 & 波状外形的武器
The upper arms tend to accumulate excess fat and redundant skin over time, creating “bat wings” that are especially apparent with the arms raised. 提臂手术 (也称为“肱成形术”,”) may be the ideal solution for you if your arms seem disproportional or the skin is saggy or dimpled.

肱成形术:更平滑 & 更加雕刻的外观
You may be a candidate for a Brachioplasty if the appearance of your arms improves when you pinch the extra skin and fat together. 通过创造一个光滑的, 轮廓更柔和, an arm lift can help you feel more comfortable in tighter clothes and more confident when showing off your arms in a short-sleeved shirt or tank top. 在您的咨询期间, our team will provide the best options available and help you choose the long-term solution that best suits your goals and comfort level.
Why Our Patients Choose 举臂手术
- 健美的轮廓: 提臂手术 directly addresses loose or sagging skin in the upper arms, creating a smoother and more toned appearance. 通过去除多余的皮肤和脂肪, this procedure can help you achieve arms that look slimmer and more defined.
- 改进的比例: If you have disproportionate arms due to weight loss or genetics, arm lift surgery can help create a more balanced and symmetrical appearance. Dr. Donaldson或Dr. Sieffert will customize the procedure to your goals, ensuring that your arms complement the rest of your body contours.
- 增强的定义: This procedure can enhance the definition of your arms by eliminating excess fat and skin that may obscure the underlying muscle tone. This can provide you with a more sculpted and athletic-looking arm contour.
- 减少恢复时间: Our surgeons treat delicate tissue responsibly and take a comprehensive approach to each procedure they perform, 强调澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的安全, minimal downtime and a more comfortable experience.
Dr. 杰弗里·唐纳森和博士. 米歇尔Sieffert perform arm lift as same-day surgery under general anesthesia. They place the incisions more toward the back of the arm or more toward the inside according to your activities, clothing habits and personal preferences. The arm lift is performed through short incisions that extend from the skin above the elbow up into the underarm.
Compression garments are worn to reduce swelling and encourage proper skin contouring after surgery. 以前给过止痛药, during and after surgery so you are always as comfortable as possible. 瘀伤和肿胀持续2-4周, and you may be able to resume strenuous activities in 4-6 weeks.
An arm lift in 俄亥俄州哥伦布市 typically costs between $7,000 and $9,000. The price varies based on the complexity of the unique situation and the quality of the surgeon. Patients may find cheaper options listed online, but these estimations often do not include the entire cost of the procedure, 包括术前咨询, 手术费, anesthesia, 安置资源, 后续会议及其他.
Schedule Your Consultation With Donaldson
By removing excess skin and fat and contouring the underlying tissues, this safe and effective procedure can help you achieve arms that are more proportionate, 清晰而年轻. We invite you to schedule your one-on-one consultation with us today and learn if arm lift surgery is the right solution for you!

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